Why do “WE” Exist?

The Amir Hall Foundation

As parents, we make enormous plans for our children.  What schools will they attend, what sports will they play, who’s personality will they take, what profession will they be in the future or if your me, what type of girl will they bring home. Not one time does a parent think the buck will stop at age 4 and all the plans and navigations for the future are gone? We felt like life had stolen our precious little human who was going to take this world by storm.  Through that imaginative thievery, we wanted to give back.  No parent should endure the loss of a child and if we could prevent that, we wanted to!  Our son Amir was a giver and through Amir’s legacy and extremely generous personality, it is time to help save the lives of children in preventing aquatic fatalities for black and brown children at large.